Shane McAdams

snow peaked mountain painting amid an abstract dissolve border

Synthetic Landscape (Himalayas)

Mixed Media on Panel


floating rocks dotting a pinkish sea with mountains and sky in distance. mixed media of oil, ink and resin.

Dead Sea

Mixed Media on Panel


mirror image painting of abstract black skyline with color striations and streaks mixed in above and below horizon line.

Synthetic Landscape 65

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of southwestern monument valley type rock formations set inside an abstract design.

The Searchers

Mixed Media on Polystyrene


striations of inky resin vertical stripes painted on an exposed tree bark

Soft Maple

Mixed Media on Maple


dark horizon line with water tower set above a field of mulit colored ink/resin striations and below a dramatically painted sky


Mixed Media on Panel


faint rock formations set off over a distant horizon painted in earth tones and set within an abstract dissolve design.

Chinle Arroyo

Mixed Media on Polystyrene


plume of pink fireworks set within a dark horizon mid ground with multi colored inky resin striations above and below


Mixed Media on Panel


earth toned southwestern style landscape painted withi a pale abstract dissolve pattern

Synthetic Landscape 47

Mixed Media on Panel


dramatic sky with clouds painted above a thin, dark horizon line with inky, resin multicolored striations below


Mixed Media on Panel


dark black and green somewhat abstracted buidling scape with the appearance of a waterway dominating the foreground and receding as it approaches the midpoint of hte painting.

33 East

Mixed Media on Panel


multi colored striations emanating like sun rays from a central element that appears to be faint figures sitting at vonsoles before three open windows

North Rim Lodge

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of blue billowy clouds within an abstract patterned irregularly shaped frame

Synthetic Landscape (Nimbus)

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of cars viewing a drive in movie set inside an abnstract patterned frame

Dances with Wolves

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of spooky red farm house set amid dark green forest on a waterway comprised of colorful inky, resin striations below a gloomy pale sky

Bled Mill Revisited

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of mountainscape with dark mounts in foreground and lighter mountains receding into distance with a cut out lake in foreground comprised of multicolored inky resin striations

Bierstadt Estates Revisited

Mixed Media on Panel


snow peaked mountain painting amid an abstract dissolve border
floating rocks dotting a pinkish sea with mountains and sky in distance. mixed media of oil, ink and resin.
mirror image painting of abstract black skyline with color striations and streaks mixed in above and below horizon line.
painting of southwestern monument valley type rock formations set inside an abstract design.
striations of inky resin vertical stripes painted on an exposed tree bark
dark horizon line with water tower set above a field of mulit colored ink/resin striations and below a dramatically painted sky
faint rock formations set off over a distant horizon painted in earth tones and set within an abstract dissolve design.
plume of pink fireworks set within a dark horizon mid ground with multi colored inky resin striations above and below
earth toned southwestern style landscape painted withi a pale abstract dissolve pattern
dramatic sky with clouds painted above a thin, dark horizon line with inky, resin multicolored striations below
dark black and green somewhat abstracted buidling scape with the appearance of a waterway dominating the foreground and receding as it approaches the midpoint of hte painting.
multi colored striations emanating like sun rays from a central element that appears to be faint figures sitting at vonsoles before three open windows
painting of blue billowy clouds within an abstract patterned irregularly shaped frame
painting of cars viewing a drive in movie set inside an abnstract patterned frame
painting of spooky red farm house set amid dark green forest on a waterway comprised of colorful inky, resin striations below a gloomy pale sky
painting of mountainscape with dark mounts in foreground and lighter mountains receding into distance with a cut out lake in foreground comprised of multicolored inky resin striations