Cande Aguilar

cartoonish figures, text and abstract design

Land of Peace

Mixed Media on Panel


Calle de Cumbia

Calle de Cumbia

Mixed Media on Panel


cartoonish figures, car, light fixtures and decorative elements arrayed in a bright interior

Suite of the Low Rides

Mixed Media on Panel


a collaged cartoonish maternal figure holding hands with mickey mouse in a bright abstract composition

Madre y Mickey

Mixed Media on Panel


cartoonish figures and text arrayed in an urban street/wall setting

Sidewalk Blues

Mixed Media on Panel


scultpural setting featuring a reclining mannequin male with a vintage tv set for head placed atop a yellow star with text

The Immigrant

Mixed Media Assemblage


cartoonish male figure, truck and text in urban street setting

Looking for Tweety

Mixed Media on Panel


text and cartoonish figures arrayed in an urban street and wall environment

Pedaso de Ayer

Mixed Media on Panel


sculpture comprised of segmented tree branch in natural state but for white painted bottom placed at vertical angle upon a colorful base

Painted Tronco

Mixed Media Assemblage


large colorful abastract painting comprised of calligraphic design, monochromatic panels, patterned elements and text

Dirty South 2

Mixed Media on Panel


bifurcated painting on panel with linear drawing of female face and torso on left and text amid abstract design on right

Meant to Be

Mixed Media on Panel


bright painting with text and figurative elements including tv set and table with cloth

Yellow Table

Mixed Media on Panel


painting of nude woman astride airplance superimposed over text set in an antique frame


Mixed Media on Panel


abstract painting featuring silver metallic bands and panels with two bright pink vertical stripes - each featuring some figurative elements

Spring Within 2

Mixed Media on Panel


lanscape of bridge with figure on shore next to water below bridge, clouds and floating elements in sky and rough colorful abstract to right of bridge

El Puente Nuevo

Mixed Media on Panel


abstract painting comprised of multiple colored vertical bands some featuring designs within the band

Spring Within

Mixed Media on Panel


Vincent's Stage

Vincent's Stage

Mixed Media on Panel




Mixed Media on Panel


La Capitol

La Capitol

Mixed Media on Panel


Game Over

Game Over

Mixed Media on Panels


Park Bench

Park Bench

Mixed Media on Panel


Naranjas Chief

Naranjas Chief

Mixed Media on Panel


Find Love in the Stars Version 2

Find Love in the Stars Version 2

Mixed Media on Panel


NY Dream

NY Dream

Mixed Media on Panel




Mixed Media on Paper

49x40" framed

cartoonish figures, text and abstract design
Calle de Cumbia
cartoonish figures, car, light fixtures and decorative elements arrayed in a bright interior
a collaged cartoonish maternal figure holding hands with mickey mouse in a bright abstract composition
cartoonish figures and text arrayed in an urban street/wall setting
scultpural setting featuring a reclining mannequin male with a vintage tv set for head placed atop a yellow star with text
cartoonish male figure, truck and text in urban street setting
text and cartoonish figures arrayed in an urban street and wall environment
sculpture comprised of segmented tree branch in natural state but for white painted bottom placed at vertical angle upon a colorful base
large colorful abastract painting comprised of calligraphic design, monochromatic panels, patterned elements and text
bifurcated painting on panel with linear drawing of female face and torso on left and text amid abstract design on right
bright painting with text and figurative elements including tv set and table with cloth
painting of nude woman astride airplance superimposed over text set in an antique frame
abstract painting featuring silver metallic bands and panels with two bright pink vertical stripes - each featuring some figurative elements
lanscape of bridge with figure on shore next to water below bridge, clouds and floating elements in sky and rough colorful abstract to right of bridge
abstract painting comprised of multiple colored vertical bands some featuring designs within the band
Vincent's Stage
La Capitol
Game Over
Park Bench
Naranjas Chief
Find Love in the Stars Version 2
NY Dream